Ingen jul uten sarmale!
I Romania er det ingen jul uten sarmale på bordet. Sarmale er en tradisjonell rumensk matrett og som tilberedes på julaften. Oppskriften krever mye tid og opp... Read more.

Creepy celebrations in Romania
In Romania, Halloween is not commonly celebrated, but there are a lot of other creepy celebrations. There are many strange traditions and customs that are sti... Read more.

American mac & cheese
Ingredients (for 2 persons): 150 gm pasta (short and twisted macaroni) 25 gm butter 25 gm flour 300 ml milk 200 gm grated cheddar + cheeses you have in your fri... Read more.

Poem: In the Depths of an Ocean
In the depths of an ocean time moves in slow motion. The water gets colder, but my soul smolders. While the light becomes blind, I lose my peace of mi... Read more.

A Romanian in Norway
PART 1 Du kan aldri krysse havet før du har motet til å miste synet av kysten – You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose... Read more.