Short story: Wolf in Sheep´s Clothing
Set me free. I know who you are. Set me free. Or I will rise with fire. You know what you did. You know what you are capable of. Did you think I would be quiet?... Read more.

Alive and Dead, We All Celebrate
Life is a journey, and if you are reading this it means you are privileged to be breathing. You are a thinking person in a star out of 140 billion stars, in one... Read more.

Sea to see
I arrived in Alicante, or may I say Aliescape. An escape from Scandinavian countries mainly and other cold places in Europe. It feels different. Not like any ot... Read more.

Magicland: Poetry Corner
We met in an airplane, flying in the air. I was not very eager to talk from Stockholm to Kristiansand. I wanted to just drink my coffee and eat my Swedish choco... Read more.

Colonized: Poetry Corner
Yes, I am your colony, The one and only, You can tell that I am wrong, And you say the way to go. Come and eat from my plate, There is always fo... Read more.

Hiking like a Viking
Now that you are in Kristiansand, I would strongly recommend you to start on the few weeks before the snow starts to hike around this beautiful area. Just outsi... Read more.

Tarot Movie Review
A fun group of university students up to no good! They always want some fun yet they break the rule of Tarot because they really don´t believe in it, so why ... Read more.

Hit Man, twisted comedy summer fun!
Hit Man is a must-see if you want to start your summer right! This movie will captivate you from the beginning until the end with its quirky, dark humor. A phil... Read more.

Wane – Dikt
Spirit rises above the pages unknown, Unexpected changes in life intervene, two suns in a face thru the words thrown, made my heart drum once in the scene. &nbs... Read more.

8th of March: Women’s Mexican march
This is a readers-submission. The views and opinions expressed are those of the writer. When I came to Norway as a tourist in 2020 I could not believe my eyes, ... Read more.