In the golden haze of summer´s end, Where the sun dips low, a farewell friend, Whispers of change in the evening air, Paint the world with a subtle fare.…
Magicland: Poetry Corner
We met in an airplane, flying in the air. I was not very eager to talk from Stockholm to Kristiansand. I wanted to just drink my coffee and eat my…
Colonized: Poetry Corner
Yes, I am your colony, The one and only, You can tell that I am wrong, And you say the way to go. Come and eat from my plate, …
A Reality Check: Poetry Corner
Scott got out of bed and moved to the window, pulling back the curtain. The sky was a bright, cloudless blue, and the sun was beginning to peek over the…
“ A Daisy On The Nightstand…” – Short Story
In the deep woods of the south, nestled among sprawling fields and whispering pines, lies a town where time seems to stand still. The days roll gently under the blue…
The Day I Stood Up to a Bully – Short Story
“Oyeeeeee, Gattu…come, oyeee’ It was Sonu and Pepsi. I peered over the terrace boundary- Sonu with a cricket bat over his shoulder, looking for all the world like Hanuman, the…
Art Submissions – Vår
For the April edition of Unikum, we featured Art with the theme "Vår", meaning spring. Blodtåre Inspirasjonen var sår og spirer som gror. Du kan finne mer på Instagram: @hulderlife…
Art Submissions – Kvinnedagen
Unikum´s March Edition featured an art submissions page with the theme "Kvinnedagen" (Women´s Day). The artists got to describe the inspiration behind their works by using a maximum of three…
Wane – Dikt
Spirit rises above the pages unknown, Unexpected changes in life intervene, two suns in a face thru the words thrown, made my heart drum once in the scene. Soon…
Thorns and Petals – Short Story
Robert sat across from his wife, Hannah, Reminiscing their first meeting. He spoke softly, and his eyes reflected years of laughter and love. “You were so beautiful that day,” he…
A Colorless Polychrome
He stares at the blank canvas, sizing it, while his left hand effortlessly glides above the array of brushes, a finger occasionally dipping down to feel the old, wooden handle,…
In Winter´s Grasp – Dikt
In winter’s grasp, a maiden fair, Trapped in snowflakes’ icy stare. Her dreams of spring, a distant call Another cycle of pain, she can’t let go. Each step toward…
Poetry Corner: December
my pockets are full of candy wrappers. to write is to feel. i unwrap the strawberry candy of my words and let it slowly melt on my tongue, the plastic…
Twisted Glow
A big bang and an earth-shaking crash came from the kitchen. Nick, clinging to a half-unraveled string of twinkling lights, raised an eyebrow, “Guess we have a poltergeist who doesn´t…