Category: Dikt

  • Poetry Corner
    Photo: AdobeStocks

    Poetry Corner

    [resemantization]     A sound  and its own halo  above me  constructing new horizons  of views unseen  Yet I remain myself  Behind the grazing fields of sound  A new world  of poetics        [poetic license]     Poems like to talk about themselves  And hide behind metaphors  But I am not like that  I recoil when…

  • Linguistica Poetry Night Poems
    Photo: Freepik

    Linguistica Poetry Night Poems

    Ahmed Al Saidy  Rebirth    Forget it all,  Remain reason. Walk with me so, To entertain. You know nothing, You were just born. Therefore question, That which you know. What is this world? What are these walls? What is this floor? But these are wrong. What is this thing, Which we deem “world”? What are…

  • Dikt hjørne/Poetry corner: february
    Photo: AdobeStocks

    Dikt hjørne/Poetry corner: february

    Ida   Har barbert leggene og lagt leppestift  krøllet hår mot nystrøket bluse  eplebåter til frokost  skjelver, røde porselen-lepper slår sprekker  det raser i de innerste rom  hvor mange søyler står igjen, sekunder  har jeg nå    Hodet i sola  Jeg har hodet i sola  mellom tærne mine haster mennesker forbi  hverandre gjennom mørke gater …

  • Poem: Arguably the best feeling

    Poem: Arguably the best feeling

        oh, how when you kiss me it feels like the soft push of the keys on a piano. a gentle reminder of my favourite piece, a familiar touch to the heart. you make me flicker and flutter like a warm flame of a candlelight on a late october evening. a rosy blush appears…

  • Poem: New Seasons

    Poem: New Seasons

    New Seasons    The heart opens heavily  It’s like there is no muscle memory anymore  Everything changed within  The rain and the snow formed new seasons  To live in, to live by  But when you go back to them  The heart opens heavily    Covered in snow and being rained upon  I saw myself as…

  • Poem: [library science]

    Poem: [library science]

    [library science]    te scriu  te citesc  viața ta e o carte necunoscută  ținută în lanțuri în sihăstrie  o jumătate de sărut ca o dragoste incompletă  aș fi vrut să îți scriu mai multe  să mă placi mai mult  dar, indiferent, rămân cu zâmbetul pe buze  acelea pe care nu le vei mai atinge   …

  • Play Pretend

    Play Pretend

    play pretend    and then i’ll see you at christmas  maybe one or two times in the summer  on the drives to beaches our friends wanna go to  and then we’ll have to   pretend  that we have definitely spoken for months  that you know what i have been up to living so far away from…

  • Dikt: Bølge mot kyst

    Dikt: Bølge mot kyst

    du er slik bølgene  slår mot kysten     føttene mine graver seg ned i sanden  mens du drar meg inn sakte  bølge etter bølge     men ikke helt     jeg er aldri helt din  du er aldri helt min  vi er på kanten slik  bølge mot kyst 

  • Poem: [reading / un-reading]

    Poem: [reading / un-reading]

    I read the poems written in the past years  citesc poemele scrise în anii trecuți  I reread them with a distorted attention le recitesc cu o atenție distorsionată  I wish I had other words at hand  aș fi vrut alte cuvinte pe care să le am la îndemână  but, in truth, words are superfluous  dar,…

  • Poem: I need it to rain today

    Poem: I need it to rain today

    i need it to rain today  cry a little in solidarity with me  let it pour down in heavy tears  let me listen to the sound of your fears     i need it to rain today  so i can have these impurities  sticks and stones washed away     i need it to rain today  so…

  • Poem: Polarization

    Poem: Polarization

    Polarizare  de Paul-Daniel Golban    necunoscutul împarte întotdeauna   lumina în direcții opuse   un funigel te îmbrățișează de mâini –  vara cea dogoritoare a trecut   iar soarele tot mai negru lasă treptat loc toamnei cumpătate    un ochi zâmbește zăpezii –  (iarna lumina surâde pe un fulg de nea)   celălalt plânge   după dispariția păsărilor care despart…

  • Poem: In the Depths of an Ocean

    Poem: In the Depths of an Ocean

    In the depths of an ocean  time moves in slow motion.  The water gets colder,  but my soul smolders.  While the light becomes blind,  I lose my peace of mind.  I dive to find out the unknown  which illuminates the darkness like a precious stone.  The water trembles with me,  I’m getting closer to another…

  • Poem: My Tears Are Fireworks That Are Still Crying    

    Poem: My Tears Are Fireworks That Are Still Crying   

    I wake up in the hospital  I do not remember much, yet at the same time I remember everything  the chimera is a wound on my chest   a broken dream that is close to healing  as I prevent myself from peeling it  my eyes were made for crying  tears launch intensely from my eyes  while…

  • Dikt: Voksesmerter

    Dikt: Voksesmerter

    ingen forteller deg hvor vondt det kjennes i knærne når knoklene brister  du faller til grunns i bakken til du hører det knuse i kroppen  for ingen forteller deg at det å vokse opp betyr at man brytes ned først  og at livet blir litt mer som et timeglass  der man blir snudd opp og…