Category: Kunst

  • Art Submissions – Vår

    Art Submissions – Vår

    For the April edition of Unikum, we featured Art with the theme “Vår”, meaning spring.  Blodtåre Inspirasjonen var sår og spirer som gror. Du kan finne mer på Instagram: @hulderlife   Egyptisk sol Inspirasjonen er følelsen av sol, og heilage katter i oldtidens Egypt. Du kan finne mer på Instagram: @sobabraun

  • Art Submissions – Kvinnedagen

    Art Submissions – Kvinnedagen

    Unikum´s March Edition featured an art submissions page with the theme “Kvinnedagen” (Women´s Day). The artists got to describe the inspiration behind their works by using a maximum of three sentences. They also got to add their Instagram-account as part of the promotion. Their texts are written in Norwegian. Jane Helen Klepp Can be found…