Category: Anbefalinger
On Coppola: The Madness Behind Two Cinematic Masterpieces
Francis Ford Coppola is one of Hollywood’s most revered filmmakers, known for pushing boundaries and creating some of the most iconic films of all time. Yet, his achievements were not without extraordinary challenges. The stories behind The Godfather Part II and Apocalypse Now are legendary in their complexity, chaos, and artistic triumph. Together, they paint…
Orwell’s Vision, Our Future: Book Reviews of 1984 and Animal Farm
George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm are two of the most enduring and thought-provoking works of the 20th century. Through these seminal texts, Orwell examines the dynamics of power, control, and human fallibility, in ways that transcend their original contexts. Both books serve as cautionary tales and moral compasses, offering profound insights into the political…
Unikum Christmas movie recommendations
It’s Christmas time once again, the most wonderful time of the year, at least in my humble opinion. And what’s Christmas without Christmas movies. Watching the snow fall outside in the cold while you´re buried in a sea of warm blankets inside and just enjoying the weather and the warmth eroding from the fireplace. A…
What to get the person who doesn’t want anything for Christmas
We’ve all been there. You go and ask your dad who’s sitting in his usual chair, what exactly does he wish for Christmas. And he answers: nice kids. Don’t worry! Whether it’s your chill dad, or your kind friend who has no idea what they want for Christmas, us in Unikum have gathered some tips…
Fra generalkonsultatet i Kina til sjømatnæringen: Møt Mari Bondevik
«Et praktikantopphold var en unik mulighet til å tilegne meg verdifull erfaring for videre karriere, da arbeidsgivere i stor grad ser etter praktisk erfaring og evnen til å anvende teoretisk kunnskap i virkelige situasjoner» Mari Bondevik (26) fra Tromsø har en bachelorgrad i kommunikasjon og media, og en mastergrad i samfunnskommunikasjon. Hun startet studiene ved…
Art Without Secrets: A Journey Through Meaning, Symbolism, and Zdzisław Beksiński’s Art
“What matters is what appears in your soul, not what your eyes see and what you can name.” – Zdzisław Beksiński Zdzisław Beksiński is one of Poland’s most celebrated and distinctive artists, recognized all around the world. He is well-known for his dystopian, surrealistic paintings. His work is full of dark imagery, skeletons, decaying creatures,…
Teater på Sørlandet: Har Likestillingen Gått for Langt?
Den 22. november braker det løs på Rosegården Teaterhus, med premiere på Stine Sandnes sitt nye stykke “Kvinner og menn snakker sammen”. Forestillingen blir satt opp av teaterkompaniet SVART TEATER, og vises over tre dager. Forfatter, sosiolog og dramatiker Stine Sandnes har tidligere mottatt gode tilbakemeldinger for sine verk Kvinnemonologene og Mannemonologene, og er nå…
Culture calendar 18 October – 22 November
Theatre What: Are Kalvø – Berre bøndar lengtar heim (stand-up) Where: Kilden When: Saturday 19 October, 19:00 Price: 400-475 NOK What: Impro Thursday Where: Teateret When: Thursday 24 October & 21 November, 20:00-22:00 Price: 50 NOK What: BAdesken – Ja vi elsker dette landet! Where: Kilden When: Thursday 7 November, 18:00-19:20 Price: 425…
Testing the TikTok Viral Cucumber Salads
I don’t know about you, but lately, cucumber salads have been taking over my TikTok “For You Page”, leaving me hungry and eager to make some myself! This trend seems to have started with Logan (@logagm) with his catchphrase, “sometimes you need to eat an entire cucumber”. But are these viral recipes worth the hype?…
Å le mens man leser studenthåndbok? Umulig.
Med mindre man leser «Alene Hjemmefra» som ble utgitt i august. Linn Isabel Eielsen (24), kanskje bedre kjent under aliaset L-innsikt, bestemte seg for å skrive boken midt oppi bachelor-skrivingen. Boken er ulik andre studenthåndbøker på de aller fleste måter. Den er latterlig komisk, tar ikke seg selv så seriøst, og kapittelet om utdanning kommer…
Culture Calendar: 13th of September – 18th of October
Summer is behind us, and autumn is fast approaching. This means your classes at university are back in business, but so are a lot of fun activities all around Kristiansand and Grimstad! Theatre What: Impro Thursdays at Teateret When: Thursday, 26 September, 20:00-22:00 Where: Teateret Price: 50 NOK What: Oidipus/Antigone by Sofokles When: 6…
Places to eat in Kristiansand
Being new to any city can be an exhilarating and exciting experience, but at the same time one can experience uncertainty and confusion as one tries to get to know one’s new home. One common question we may face when moving or visiting a new city is; where can we go when we want to…
Steder å besøke i Kristiansand
Velkommen til Kristiansand by! Leter du etter ting å gjøre i en ny by? Unikum har forslag til kulturelle aktiviteter du kan ta del i eller gjøre. Enten for å utforske Kristiansand og nærområder for å se hva byen har å by på, eller for å finne noe du kan gjøre enten alene eller med…
Semester Start Calendar
Welcome back to yet another semester as a student in Southern Norway! Whether you’re new or have been here for years, there’s always plenty of activities going on around semester start. Use this opportunity to have lots of fun and get to know new people, I promise you won’t regret it. Kristiansand Monday 12…