Category: Kultur
Kvinner og menn snakker sammen
I starten av november var Unikum så heldige å få være med på en prøve for stykket Kvinner og menn snakker sammen. Den 22.November var det duket for urpremiere på Rosegården Teaterhus. Før starten på skuespillet ble vi møtt av regissør Vibeke Gran, som ønsket velkommen med å understreke viktigheten av teater i dagens samfunn.…
Det nærmer seg forestilling for SVART TEATER. Foto: Alexander Paasche Søfteland.
Teater på Sørlandet: Har Likestillingen Gått for Langt?
Den 22. november braker det løs på Rosegården Teaterhus, med premiere på Stine Sandnes sitt nye stykke “Kvinner og menn snakker sammen”. Forestillingen blir satt opp av teaterkompaniet SVART TEATER, og vises over tre dager. Forfatter, sosiolog og dramatiker Stine Sandnes har tidligere mottatt gode tilbakemeldinger for sine verk Kvinnemonologene og Mannemonologene, og er nå…
Courtesy of Prime. © Amazon Content Services LLC
Filmanmeldelse: RED ONE
Jul. En tid for glede. En tid for familie, venner, eksamensstress og julefilmer. RED ONE, den nyeste blockbuster action filmen til Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Chris Evans, J.K Simmons og vår egen norske Kristoffer Hivju. Til sammen danner de en liste full av kjente skuespillere som har kommet sammen for å lage en julefilm til…
Photo from freepik
Alive and Dead, We All Celebrate
Life is a journey, and if you are reading this it means you are privileged to be breathing. You are a thinking person in a star out of 140 billion stars, in one out of two trillion galaxies. Death is a certainty for all of us. From the 31st of October until the first Sunday…
Photo from freepik
How capitalism stole Halloween – the true story about Halloween
When I was 15 years old, I travelled to Ireland on a school trip. I was very excited, because it was my first time abroad without my parents. I fell in love with Ireland: the folklore, the fairytales, the hidden signs you can find everywhere in the nature. From a simple clove who is believed to bring…
Photo from theofficialjohncarpenter
Review of John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978)
John Carpenter’s Halloween is a seminal work in the horror genre, credited with establishing many of the slasher tropes that would define the genre for decades to come. Released in 1978, the film’s masked, seemingly invincible killer, and vulnerable, unsuspecting victims set the template for countless imitations decades on. While it’s often revered as a…
Photo from pvproductions.
Culture calendar 18 October – 22 November
Theatre What: Are Kalvø – Berre bøndar lengtar heim (stand-up) Where: Kilden When: Saturday 19 October, 19:00 Price: 400-475 NOK What: Impro Thursday Where: Teateret When: Thursday 24 October & 21 November, 20:00-22:00 Price: 50 NOK What: BAdesken – Ja vi elsker dette landet! Where: Kilden When: Thursday 7 November, 18:00-19:20 Price: 425…
Testing the TikTok Viral Cucumber Salads
I don’t know about you, but lately, cucumber salads have been taking over my TikTok “For You Page”, leaving me hungry and eager to make some myself! This trend seems to have started with Logan (@logagm) with his catchphrase, “sometimes you need to eat an entire cucumber”. But are these viral recipes worth the hype?…
Photo from freepik, wirestock
Things that surprised me as an Austrian student coming to Norway
“But it’s sooo expensive!”, they said when I first told my family and friends about moving to Norway. Growing up in Austria, hearing about the innovative Scandinavian school system, and the beautiful, diverse landscape. Finding out that Norway is not a part of the European Union, even though almost every other country in Europe is…
Photo from ZrockR Magazine, original content from 20th Century Studios.
Alien: Romulus (2024) Review
The Alien franchise, originally spearheaded by Ridley Scott, is one of the most iconic brands in cinema history. From chest-burster scenes that horrified audiences to the heroine, Ripley, courageously saving the day, Alien has captured audiences in awe and horror for over four decades. This summer, director Fede Alvarez makes his claim on the sci-fi…
Foto: Unikum ved Mattias Johannessen
The Importance of Art: How art is essential for human expression and creativity
Art has been an intrinsic part of human civilization for millennia, serving as a mirror to our society, a medium for expression, and a bridge between cultures and generations. From the ancient cave paintings of Lascaux to contemporary digital installations, art has continuously evolved, reflecting humanity’s changing values, challenges, and aspirations. But beyond its aesthetic…
Photo belongs to Disney.
Unikum reviews: Deadpool and Wolverine
The anticipated sequel and third movie in the critically acclaimed and hugely popular Deadpool universe came out recently. But this review isn’t about numbers, they speak for themselves, this is about the journey that brought us here and the culmination of these past three movies and Ryan Reynolds legacy as Deadpool which started all the…
Alene Hjemmefra – Håndboka for studenter med rotete pulter og store drømmer. Foto: L-innsikt, Egmont
Å le mens man leser studenthåndbok? Umulig.
Med mindre man leser «Alene Hjemmefra» som ble utgitt i august. Linn Isabel Eielsen (24), kanskje bedre kjent under aliaset L-innsikt, bestemte seg for å skrive boken midt oppi bachelor-skrivingen. Boken er ulik andre studenthåndbøker på de aller fleste måter. Den er latterlig komisk, tar ikke seg selv så seriøst, og kapittelet om utdanning kommer…
Photo: Sony Pictures / IMDb
What “It Ends With Us” did wrong
Colleen Hoover’s books were suddenly everywhere. The rise of BookTok led to many readers discovering her works, and in barely a minute, she took half of the spots on every bookstore’s top 10 most bought shelves. People who had never picked up a book since middle school became page-turners, devouring Hoover’s books. The instant rise…