Category: Reisebrev
Exchange Students Review
Jakub, Poland The first time I fell in love with Norway was when I was on the bus to Kristiansand and I could see the lakes, the forest, the nature that Norway is connected to. As an exchange student, I will always remember Norway with a warm heart. It gives me feelings that I’ve never…
Edinburgh: A Love Letter
When I told the editor in chief that I would write an article about my solo trip, I didn’t expect that I would come back with so many mixed feelings to write about. I thought it would be a simple rundown of my trip and what I did, but at the Edinburgh airport I realized…
Livet i rosa: – Et throwback til utveksling i Toulouse
Livet i Toulouse er søtt, surt og salt. Den rosa by er varm både i vennlighet og celsius, men å penetrere den franske livsstilen og et slitsomt byråkrati er vanskelig. Svetten renner nedover ryggen fra mai til september, og det er ingen mangel på konserter, utstillinger eller annet påfunn for å holde pulsen oppe. Toulouse…