Meet the new student leader for University of Agder – Silje W. Hammerstad

The 20th of May, the Student Parliament at University of Agder gathered in order to elect (among other things) a new STA (Student Organisasjon i Agder) board. In this interview, we get to meet the new student leader, Silje W. Hammerstad, starting in her new function from 1st of July.

Silje is born in Kragerø and moved to Kristiansand in 2008. She has a bachelor in «Religion, ethics and culture» with a minor in Social Sciences, one year study of English and just finished her studies with one year of pedagogical education.

The new student leader is an engaged and motivated person with many good ideas for our university. We, at Unikum,wish her inspiration and power to deal in a good way with all the challenges the new academic year might bring !


What made you decide to candidate?

 I decided to candidate because I want to be a part of the development of University of Agder.

What are the qualities you take with you in the STA-team?

The qualities I am going to take with me are the qualities I have as a student teacher, a team player and also my motivation to do my best.

What do you think are the biggest challenges for the students at our university?
The biggest challenge for the students at UiA is the lack of reading places!

What will be your main priorities as the leader for the students at Agder University?

My main priorities are decided by the Student Parliament. The focus is on the number of students in relation to the area we have disposable, mental health and a good academic learning environment.

In addition, I want to make the student democracy more visible to the students, employees and to Sørlandet in general.

Do you see any viable solution for the very low amount of reading places?

Basically, I think this is a challenge that does not have a final solution before the university is expanded with new buildings. However, I think a temporarily solution could be that more rooms are made available for reading places, especially during the examination period. (Parts of Østsia, Blubox, seminar rooms; if it is possible.)

If you could be principal of UiA and change one thing, what would it be?

Oooh! It is difficult to choose only one thing, and I think it is difficult for the principal to change things on his/ her own. However, I think I would have changed all the exams into digital exams in one way or another.

Name a few of the important things that STA (Studentorganisasjonen i Agder) can help the students with.

STA can help with many things; including problems the international students might have and students who are leaving for a semester abroad, class representatives, mid-term evaluations and monitoring of the evaluation, student activities and academic societies.

What are some of the unpleasant things you experienced as a student and some of the best?

  • The least pleasant things I have experienced as a student is that I was always broke and that I had to sit inside reading for the exams in May when it is warm and the sun is shining…
  • The best things about being a student are that you develop academically as well as socially. You make many new friends and you know that your studies will give you the job you want.

Any words for the students?

I hope you have enjoyed the year 2014/2015 here at UiA and that you are pleased with your academic achievements and the year’s happenings!

I wish you all a great summer and I am looking forward to see you again in August!

You can read more about the results of the election here.

Tekst: Erika ErdösEmail

Foto: Private archive, UiA






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