Ny utgave: Tuition fees, Resident Evil & Bør Vi Henrette Roald Dahl?

#LEDER: Where we belong

Most of you probably know little to nothing about the intricate clockwork that is Unikum, you simply see what is before you, the face of the clock, our edition, after all, it is what is most important. But this edition marks the final edition of our current graphical designer, Mariana, who will be dearly missed. We sat in the office the other day and talked about the future. This might echo some of the things brought up in my January leader, however, the focus was on worry. The worry of leaving one phase of your life behind and embracing a new one, especially when the position you’re currently in is so comfortable. 


Les hele utgaven nederst i saken. 


I wish I was a person who simply could discard all my worries, over the past, present and future, yet these intrusive thoughts lurk into my mind from time to time. Just the other day it hit me; I’m on my last year of studying, and after this, I can start working, taking another important step into adulthood, or rather, the illusion of it. But I don’t want to do that. I love studying, I love being at the university, being a Fadder every year, drinking on weekdays if I feel like it, and most importantly, being with my friends and making new ones.  

I worry, that stepping into this new phase of my life, means never going back to these blissful times, I can retrace my steps, but I will never make a new footprint, simply glorifying old ones. I have to let go. Find my place in the world. But thus far, this is where I belonged, right? How do you just forge a new path, find a new home? 

I know I wrote in the January edition “to find the courage to take a step into the unknown”, but I never quite realized just how terrifying it is.  



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