Set me free. I know who you are. Set me free. Or I will rise with fire. You know what you did. You know what you are capable of. Did you think I would be quiet? Well, I was. Now, I will haunt you forever, in your dreams and in your waking hour. I know what you did to me, and now it is time for the world to know. You are walking around all nice, with a quiet, calm pace. But I know your face. I know who you are and your whereabouts. It has been so many years. Years have passed without anyone knowing what you did. How can you sleep? How can you continue to live with the weight of the guilt? You are capable of that. You are capable of going on with your life like nothing happened. You believed that taking advantage of my body was nothing. I was just a girl, so naive that I believed in you. You told me lies and I was all smiles. You took me to a place where no one could see, to a place where you could control me. I was unaware of what was going to happen. I was just a girl trusting too much. I would never have imagined what was next. You finished your act and thought that was it. Nobody would know about it. And yes, I died that day. My life ended without an opportunity to trust in men again. To believe there would be someone who would love me, care about me, and have a family with me. To have the opportunity to give love and spread it.
Telling the story of what you did to my family wouldn´t work for me. Nobody would have believed me. My tears would just be a waste. My tears would just be seen as a big mistake. How can a person like you have been capable of something like that? Nobody would have believed that. I would have to retraumatize myself. To explain again and again what you did to me. Only to open my scar and bring alive the stab. I would be walking down the street while being scared of the sound of your feet. And see you just walking free. I would always feel scared of stumbling across thee. Then pretending that nothing was done to me. I would always feel like this. A strong want of revenge. Shouting to the people that you know, and tell them what you are capable of doing. What your sweet little face is hiding? Nobody expects such a nice, hard-working guy to have filthy things in his mind and do horrific things with his hands. Where did those thoughts start rising? When did you begin to feed them? When did you start thinking about taking advantage? Use your words and acts to put on a facade. Oh, you are so good at that. How did you find others like you? I guess this is a problem of society too. Letting images of abuse be in use. Oh, I know. It is always about this feeling of rush. There is someone who is feeding their mind the same way as you do. Think as you do and who also has a nice little sweet face that no one would suspect. Then you can blame it on someone else. Or you can just point back at me, that I am a crazy witch. But you, oh no you, you convince them so well that it is never you. You are always in disguise—a wolf in sheep´s clothing kind of guy.
Do you know what happened? I was raised from death! I became so alive that I started to haunt you. Mysteriously, things started to happen in your life, things were not as right. Things stopped functioning as well, broken things, problems at work, health issues, problems with your loved ones. Still, your lies were your high. You couldn´t stop. The lies are your life. But you were also surprised. Why did things start to happen? How did the air know? How did your thoughts begin to show? How your lack of emotions was tucked inside and now starting to become known outside? Your mind is wild. You must hide. Become a real human inside.
We deserve someone who loves us for who we are, not just for our appearance or to satisfy anyone´s desire. We have emotions and feelings. We must shout STOP! Without any guilt, without any shame. Let´s demand to be treated like a human and not like an object. Let´s demand to be treated as someone, not as something. We don´t exist just to open our legs. We exist to be cherished and cared for. If they are unwilling of being respectful and have the emotional intelligence to be involved, and to have real feelings, then they must evolve.
Let us share the message. Let us be brave and tell the person how you would like to be treated. Talk to our friends and family about people who are not treating us with respect. We are not a doll just to be used. We must see our value. We must take care of ourselves. We should be careful of who we trust. We should be bold to tell directly to the person so they will know. Start talking about this so that others don´t suffer like us. We should stand together. They want us divided. They want us against each other. We can stand for each other. Let us love win over.
You cannot run; you cannot hide. I am always by your side.
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