Student’s Q&A!

We asked students to send us questions about anything they were wondering about. Then we sent their questions to the different advisors at UiA to get them answered. Here we present the Q&A´s.  


If you have any more questions please contact us thorugh our email or slide into our DM´s.  


Q: Er det muligheter for å ta et masterløp på deltid mens man jobber i et firma? Er det vanskelig å legge opp til?  


A: Det er muligheter for å ta masterløp på deltid, men det varierer fra studium til studium. Oppgavesamarbeid og praksis kan være fine måter å starte på så vet vi at det er en del studenter som klarer å kombinere jobb og studier. UiA har også et bredt utvalg av Etter og videreutdanning (EVU) som er tilrettelagt for å kunne kombinere med jobb. Blant annet samlingsbasert Master i ledelse. 


Lene Marie Tønnesen 





Q: Does UiA have somewhere international students can go and receive help, information and support with health-related issues and services? How to get a GP, help with possible language barriers etc. There have been instances where students have been very confused about where they can go for these kinds of questions.  


A: International degree seeking students or students staying for more than six months, will be assigned a General Practitioner (Fastlege) once they have reported a move to Norway. Students staying for only one semester, will not have access to a General Practitioner and will need to seek help at the Accident and Emergency room at the hospital, after making an initial phone consultation. The same applies to International Degree seeking students if they need to see a doctor before having been assigned a Fastlege. Details can be found here 

It is also possible to consult Dr. Pedro Sait who is a private General Practitioner at 


Aase Galteland 

Head International Education Office 


We receive a variety of different questions and issues to assist in every week. 

International students contact us regarding topics that are difficult to know about for those who do not speak English. 

We encourage students with such inquiries to contact us, we make sure they receive the information they need to solve their issue when possible. 

The international office advisors can be contacted by email, but work mobile numbers are also available on the website. 

Global lounge is also open 9-15 on weekdays. The interns assist students or put them in contact with the advisors if needed.

The topic of healthcare has been receiving more importance recently. 

We are in contact with the local municipalities and SIA health to work on improving the availability of mental health support. 


Seif Zakaria 

International office 


Q: God start mentor møtene er på norsk, så engelskspråklige studenter får ikke vært God start mentor? 


(EN) The God Start mentor meetings are per today only in Norwegian, is it impossible for English-speaking student to participate as a mentor?  


A: De som blir ansatt som God start mentor går igjennom obligatorisk opplæring for å få jobbe som studentmentor. Opplæringen er et eget mentoremne, TFL 129 som gir 5 studiepoeng, som per dags dato dessverre kun tilbys på norsk. Vi håper på sikt å kunne tilby dette på engelsk også.


Sara W. Sørstrand 

Prosjektleder, God Start 


Translation EN: The ones hired as God Start-mentor will have to go through an obligatory training to be able to work as a student mentor. The training is part of a mentor course TFL 129 that gives 5 credits, which per today sadly is only available in Norwegian. We are working on opening up for an English version of it too, long term.


Sara W. Sørstrand 

Project manager, God Start 



Q: Hvor lett er det å sette sammen en grad av løsemner og et fragmentert studieløp?  


(EN) Is it possible to mix random courses and credits to put together a bachelors degree? 


A: De fleste bachelorgrader består av en fordypningsenhet samt en såkalt breddeenhet. Når det gjelder breddeenheten kan du ofte velge mellom flere forskjellige fag, som da kan være noe annet enn faget du har fordyping i. 


Det finnes også noe som heter selvvalgt bachelorgrad. Her må du også ha en fordypningsenhet på minst 80 studiepoeng. I tillegg er det krav om exphil og ex.fac og bacheloroppgave. Utover dette, kan du i en selvvalgt bachelorgrad velge emner helt fritt. 


Du kan lese mer om dette her: 


Når det gjelder master må du som hovedregel følge et ordinært løp, men dersom du har tatt tilsvarende emner fra før, kan du søke om å få disse godkjent. Det samme gjelder for alle bachelorgrader. 


Jofrid Meidell  

Generell studieveileder, UiA 


Translation EN: Most bachelor programs will include an immersion unit. When it comes to this part of your degree you can often choose between different subjects, which can be different from what you study in your degree. (These units will be one or two semesters in most cases.) 


There is also something called a self-chosen degree. In this one you must have an immersion unit of minimum of 80 credits. In addition, there is a requirement of Exphil and Ex.fac and a bachelor thesis. With this aside, you can choose whichever courses you want to fill up the rest of your credits with for your degree.  


You can read more about it here:  

(The web page is in Norwegian, so please contact your advisor for questions) 


When it comes to a masters degree, in most cases you´ll have to follow the regular course of the study program, but if you have some of the specific credits already you can apply for these to be valid in your masters program. This is an option will all bachelors degrees too.  


Jofrid Meidell  

Student Advisor, UiA 




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