Genre: Animation/Fantasy Director: Hayao Miyazaki Japanese voice cast: Soma Santoki, Masaki Suda, Ko Shibasaki, Aimyon, Yoshino Kimura, Takura Kimura, Karou Kobayashi and Shinobu Otake. Length: 2 hours 4 minutes Release…
Photo: IMDB
Studentavisen for Agder
Studentavisen for Agder
Genre: Animation/Fantasy Director: Hayao Miyazaki Japanese voice cast: Soma Santoki, Masaki Suda, Ko Shibasaki, Aimyon, Yoshino Kimura, Takura Kimura, Karou Kobayashi and Shinobu Otake. Length: 2 hours 4 minutes Release…
The modern-day Shakespeare, the master of yearning, the forest prince that shows up every 5 years and blesses our lives with his heavenly voice, mister Hozier himself, is finally back!…
I'm clutching the glass of water in my hands as if it's going to shatter if I only squeeze a little harder. His gaze drills holes through me, as if…