Tag: film

  • Alien: Romulus (2024) Review
    Photo from ZrockR Magazine, original content from 20th Century Studios.

    Alien: Romulus (2024) Review

    The Alien franchise, originally spearheaded by Ridley Scott, is one of the most iconic brands in cinema history. From chest-burster scenes that horrified audiences to the heroine, Ripley, courageously saving the day, Alien has captured audiences in awe and horror for over four decades. This summer, director Fede Alvarez makes his claim on the sci-fi…

  • Eksamensprosjekt ved UiA om voldtekt, samtykke, og vold
    Oversiktsbilde tilhører Tiril Fløtre Christensen

    Eksamensprosjekt ved UiA om voldtekt, samtykke, og vold

    Skrevet av Mattias Johannessen, intervjuet av Ferdinand Arntzen Elmenhorst. Hvordan ville verden sett ut i et hypotetisk og dystopisk scenario hvor loven gir menn fri og lik tilgang til kvinner? Hvor samtykke og voldtekt ikke er et kjent konsept?  For tiden ved UiA jobber en gruppe med studenter med å produsere og filme en film…

  • Culture Calendar: February 15th – March 14th

    Culture Calendar: February 15th – March 14th

    This has to be the longest culture calendar ever! We are lucky to have so many interesting things happening in our area. I will keep this short, because you’ll spend more than enough time searching through this gold mine of events for the upcoming month. I really hope you find something you like – enjoy! …

  • Review: Mean Girls
    Foto: IMDb

    Review: Mean Girls

    Twenty years ago, the cinematography scene was blessed with a contemporary masterpiece called “Mean Girls”. Was it the most profound movie ever made? No. Was it the most unique title to break onto the scene? No. But does it remain almost an entire generation’s favorite chick flick from the early 2000’s? Most likely. It’s a…

  • Film Review: ‘Anyone But You’

    Film Review: ‘Anyone But You’

    Direction: Will Gluck Screenplay: Will Gluck, Ilana Wolpert Cast: Glen Powell, Sydney Sweeney, Alexandra Shipp, Dermot Mulroney, Rachel Griffiths, Bryan Brown Length: 103 minutes Rating: 15 For the record, my expectations upon entering the cinema (Kino Kristiansand) for my fifth and final press screening for Unikum (for this film review you’re reading) weren’t high. Romcoms…

  • Film Review: The Boy and the Heron
    Photo: IMDB

    Film Review: The Boy and the Heron

    Genre: Animation/Fantasy Director: Hayao Miyazaki Japanese voice cast: Soma Santoki, Masaki Suda, Ko Shibasaki, Aimyon, Yoshino Kimura, Takura Kimura, Karou Kobayashi and Shinobu Otake. Length: 2 hours 4 minutes Release date in Norway: November. 24th 2023 Hayao Miyazaki is one of Japan’s greatest animation directors, if not, one of the worlds most talented of all…

  • Movie Review: Napoleon: Top visuals, Lacking Screenplay

    Movie Review: Napoleon: Top visuals, Lacking Screenplay

    Napoleon is the latest blockbuster film coming out of the Apple studio machine, with highly acclaimed director Ridley Scott at the helm. The masterful director who gave us Alien, Blade Runner, American Gangster, and Thelma & Louise isn’t slowing down, delivering a 2-and-a-half-hour epic at the age of 85, with a four-hour cut coming to…

  • Movie Review: Barbie
    Photo: GameSpot

    Movie Review: Barbie

    The Barbie movie is the film I never thought I would be this unbelievably hyped for, but in the weeks leading up to it, there was a tangible excitement growing in me. Entering the premiere and seeing so many people who’d dressed up, proved I wasn’t the only one who experienced this euphoria. But could…

  • Filmanmeldelse – Blade Runner: hva er et menneske?

    Filmanmeldelse – Blade Runner: hva er et menneske?

    Inneholder spoilere  Ja, hva er et menneske? «Mennesket (Homo sapiens) er en art primater i menneskefamilien (Hominidae) […] Et av menneskets viktigste karaktertrekk er oppreist gange, noe det begynte med for over fire millioner år siden […] Et annet og minst like grunnleggende kjennetegn er evnen til talespråk.» (SNL, 2021)   De fleste av oss kjenner…

  • “The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window”

    “The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window”

    If an identity crisis was turned into a series, this would be the result. Entertaining to some degree, but at a certain point, turns exhaustively confusing. Netflix was dead set that this would be my type of series. From the constant advertising I got on my Facebook page and YouTube videos, they were certain they…

  • Encanto Review

    Encanto Review

    Full disclosure, I’m not an obsessive Disney fan. I may be obsessed with Frozen, Frozen II being the last Disney movie I watched, yet I have missed out on a bunch of classics and don’t feel any need to see them. But when I saw the trailer for Encanto in my YouTube feed, something about…

  • Filmanmeldelse: Alma

    Filmanmeldelse: Alma

    Alma er en Islandsk film skrevet og regissert av Kristín Jóhannesdóttir. I hovedrollen finner vi Snæfríður Ingvarsdóttir som spiller en kvinne ved navn Alma som etter en traumatisk krig har flyktet til Island for å så senere bli innlagt på en institusjon for et mord hun ikke husker. Mysteriet ved filmens kjerne starter når kjæresten…

  • Filmanmeldelse: PSYKOSIA

    Filmanmeldelse: PSYKOSIA

    PSYKOSIA er en dansk film og er den første langfilmen fra regissør Marie Grahtø. Filmen forsøker å utforske temaer som selvmord, psykose og institusjonalisering, direkte inspirert av Grahtøs egne opplevelser i 20årene. I filmen møter vi selvmordsforskeren Viktoria (spilt av Lisa Carlehed) som har blitt kalt inn til et kvinnelig mentalsykehus for å forsøke å…

  • Ti romantiske filmer du bør se i 2021

    Ti romantiske filmer du bør se i 2021

    Et nytt år, og nye muligheter står foran oss i 2021. Og hva er vel ikke bedre tidsfordriv i disse kalde tider, enn å tilbringe kveldene hjemme under et varmt og godt teppe, med varm drikke, og en god film? Her er ti romantiske filmer man bør se i 2021. Filmene er listet opp i tilfeldig rekkefølge.      Titanic (1997) …