Tag: forfatter

  • “Det er rett eller galt, og ingenting i mellom” – Et intervju med forfatteren av “De korrekte”

    “Det er rett eller galt, og ingenting i mellom” – Et intervju med forfatteren av “De korrekte”

    Frank Rossavik har mange hatter. Han er journalist, statsviter, redaktør, kommentator, forfatter, hørselshemmet og homofil. Men først og fremst er han nysgjerrig. Den siste boken hans kom ut i år, og oppleves som et eneste stort hurra for åpen dialog og samtale. I boken forsøker Rossavik å lage en oversikt over fremveksten av identitetspolitisk aktivisme,…

  • Den usynlige landeplage har mange ansikt

    Den usynlige landeplage har mange ansikt

    Den svelger deg hel og spytter deg nådeløst ut igjen. Snikende kommer den mot deg med sine sterke hender, den tar tak og nekter å gi slipp. Du river alt du makter, men styrken din forsvinner og du makter bare ikke mer. Den kveler, den trykker og den er altoppslukende. Du føler deg helt og…

  • Invention WLD-165135

    Invention WLD-165135

    “Oh, and that Chris Evans in that new superhero movie your brother dragged me to the cinema to see, gosh, would I love to iron his shirt, if you know what I mean.” “Mom! That’s not the mental imagine I nee-” “Cause then he would be shirtless while I-” “MOM! We get it, and so…

  • Poduniverset: Julekos

    Poduniverset: Julekos

    Endelig er jula her! Det er få ting i verden som føles så godt som en skikkelig juleferie, spesielt etter ørten eksamener og flere timer på lesesalen enn hele resten av semesteret til sammen. Stikkord for denne måneden er hygge og kos, tillat å la julefreden senke seg. Ta deg en velfortjent pause og putt…

  • What are the Holidays to you?

    What are the Holidays to you?

    The Holidays for me are… Sneaking, presents, Holiday cheers and happy faces! *** The night sky was dark, only illuminated by a few stars serving as a compass in this ocean of black. But that was enough for him to guide his reindeer in the proper direction, enough to see the next stop for the…

  • What are the Holidays to you?

    What are the Holidays to you?

    The Holidays for me are… Just another shitty, fucking day in this cesspool *** Annoying fluorescent lights, smiling people, the cold sting of winter, I despise them all. Every face overflowing with happiness, greed or joy. Do you know why they enjoy the Holidays so much? Because they have something to enjoy, to cherish, something…

  • What are the Holidays to you?

    What are the Holidays to you?

    The Holidays for me are… Nagging grandparents, no privacy, delicious food and family. *** Watching the door open at the Daib residence reminded Fouad of watching a clown car. With each opening of the door, a new clown floundered into the entryway, sillier and more foreign than the previous. And it never ended. Not until…

  • What are the Holidays to you?

    What are the Holidays to you?

    The Holidays for me are… Stress, labor, headaches, and a joyful sense of pride. *** The Yorkshire High School gym was used to the roaring of the audience whenever a goal was made, but what the walls of the venue were not used to the terrifying sound of stressed moms making the final preparations for…

  • The Man in the Woods 

    The Man in the Woods 

    Once upon a time there was a very, very lonely man. Every day he would walk alone into the deep, dark forest and chop wood. Day in and day out. The only sounds that enveloped him was of the forest and the cut wood. Every day, he would sit alone in his wooden cottage, reading…

  • Shortstory: The Peculiar Case of Kathy Mils

    Shortstory: The Peculiar Case of Kathy Mils

    Article from The Sun’s Daily   “The Trial of the Housewife from Hell has been Scheduled”  29th September 2008 . Written by Carol Cannings  On a hot summer afternoon, the people living on Berwitz Street were faced with a tragedy that shook not only the neighborhood, but the very core of our little, rural town. The hit-and-run of a young girl, Alicia Sommers (8). An old couple and…