Tag: new year
Advice for the New Year!
Your most dreaded advice column is back after a wonderful holiday break. Babes, I pray you had a cosy festive season. I personally celebrate the holidays by falling over twice at our local shopping centre: a family tradition. Unfortunately, it’s such a rare practice that many people are less than considerate, but I won’t let…
Poem: New Seasons
New Seasons The heart opens heavily It’s like there is no muscle memory anymore Everything changed within The rain and the snow formed new seasons To live in, to live by But when you go back to them The heart opens heavily Covered in snow and being rained upon I saw myself as…
2023 – jeg er klar!
3-2-1 Godt nyttår!! Det skåles, klemmes, ønskes, ringes og feires. Endelig er 2023 her. Et flunkende nytt år. Hva skal du bruke året til? Har du satt deg noen nyttårsforsetter? Det finnes mange meninger om nyttårsforsetter. Noen mener det er en fin ting, andre mener at det setter urealistiske krav til en selv. Uavhengig om…
10 signs that you, or someone you hang out with, might be a psychopath
Christmas is right around the corner and all the students who has been locked in their rooms for a month now reading for exams have to tread out into the light again. Family dinners await, friends wanna hang, you must be presentable. We suggest you to really have a check with your own personality before…
Poduniverset: New year, new me?
Ting forandrer seg hele tiden, både til det bedre og til det verre. Et nytt år kan være en fin anledning til å reflektere over det som var og det som er. Kanskje er det på tide å gjøre noen forandringer? Når det gjelder podcast er visst det nye at man må betale for abonnement-tjenester…