Tag: Norway
Photo from freepik, wirestock
Things that surprised me as an Austrian student coming to Norway
“But it’s sooo expensive!”, they said when I first told my family and friends about moving to Norway. Growing up in Austria, hearing about the innovative Scandinavian school system, and the beautiful, diverse landscape. Finding out that Norway is not a part of the European Union, even though almost every other country in Europe is…
Foto: Unikum v/ Natalia Bogdanova
NORDLEK festival – review by participants from Kristiansand
NORDLEK is a big folk festival that occurs every three years (and only once every 12 years in Norway) and includes Nordic countries – Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Greenland. This year it took place in Norway – in Arendal from 16 to 21 of July. Also, for people under 26 years old, the…
Header image from UiA
To SiA or not to SiA
This is a comment. The views and opinions expressed are those of the writer. Coming to Norway is a boost of excitement, curiosity, education, and the anticipation of discovering new things, especially for international students who have never had the opportunity to visit this beautiful country before. One of the nicest opportunities for students to…
Photo by Viridiana Rivera: https://www.pexels.com/photo/young-woman-with-banner-live-free-and-without-fear-15903648/
8th of March: Women’s Mexican march
This is a readers-submission. The views and opinions expressed are those of the writer. When I came to Norway as a tourist in 2020 I could not believe my eyes, calmness, beauty, peace and I felt safe. I was hosted by the divorced brother of a friend. I have never met him before yet he…
Stirred Not Shaken: A look at the stirred up debate about alcohol regulation in Norway
For those of us who celebrate, the holidays are right around the corner, which means endless Christmas and New Year parties with an even more endless flow of alcohol. While these parties can mean lots of fun, for others they mean a heightened risk of sexual assault. These cases are not isolated incidents. One tenth…
Photo: Pexels
Should Norway join the EU?
Norway remains one of the few Nordic countries not to have joined the European Union, despite having tried four times in 31 years. The first two attempts, in 1963 and in 1967, were blocked by a French veto (Geelmuyden Rød, 2022). In the third attempt, the French did not veto, allowing the membership process to…
10 at UiA: What is the most shocking thing about Norway?
Photos: Private, Angels Aguilera, Jakub Swierkocki Every semester, new exchange students arrive to campus and Norway for the first time. After they have settled in, we wonder what their first impressions were. We have asked ten people from different countries to look at Norway through their unique lens. Carl Feese, USA …
Image by pch.vector via Freepik
Tuition fees: the fairy tale of equality and diversity
Juliana Koury Gaioso, Brazilian Master student of Development Studies Once upon a time, there used to be a model of human development full of solidarity and equality in the cold kingdom of Norway. Most likely, if you are from outside Norway, you have heard the narrative in the news or the World Bank’s economic ranks.…
Illustration: Freepik // vector4stock
Overcome the obstacles of finding a job with a foreign name!
Who hasn’t heard the stories of people changing their names to be able to get a job? Nothing else changes. It’s the same person with the same experiences, qualifications and education, but with a new – not foreign – name. And sadly, it works. Suddenly, they receive answers and are called in to interviews. I…
Why legalise cannabis use? (Translated article)
By: Stig Even Lillestøl Translated from Norwegian by Paul-Daniel Golban Norwegian article (original) Here are 10 reasons why cannabis use should be legalised. 1. Prohibition does not work. Those who want to smoke cannabis today get ahold of it. When I visited a local high school in Kristiansand in order to talk about drug policies…
Encounter at Jegersberg
Encounter at Jegersberg Everything that I am about to narrate here is true. Yes, I could have mixed up some of the finer details, for I was lost and disoriented when it happened, but overall, this is a true story. Whether you believe it or not, is up to you. My only concern is to…
A Romanian in Norway
PART 1 Du kan aldri krysse havet før du har motet til å miste synet av kysten – You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. (Christopher Columbus) This would be the Norwegian proverb that best describes my experience, as a Romanian in a foreign culture,…
Norway for utlanders – a guide for foreign students
Written by Rahul Mitra Note from author: DO NOT READ THIS ARTICLE IF YOU ARE NORWEGIAN! That’s right- Do not read it. This guide is solely meant for foreign students and has nothing of value for you. You will gain nothing by reading this. In fact, it will be nothing but an utter waste of…
Two Pandemics: An Interview with a Brazilian Exchange Student
2020 has been a wild year for everyone involved, but some has had it wilder than others. In March, Norwegian society grinded to a halt as a new virus swept across Europe. From here, it would spread to Latin America, and infect millions in Brazil. The political situation in Brazil the last few years has…