Tag: romanian
Creepy celebrations in Romania
In Romania, Halloween is not commonly celebrated, but there are a lot of other creepy celebrations. There are many strange traditions and customs that are still preserved today. Most of the traditions are related to death, and in each region of Romania there are various customs, so I decided to make a list of the…
Poem: [reading / un-reading]
I read the poems written in the past years citesc poemele scrise în anii trecuți I reread them with a distorted attention le recitesc cu o atenție distorsionată I wish I had other words at hand aș fi vrut alte cuvinte pe care să le am la îndemână but, in truth, words are superfluous dar,…
International Trends in The Arts: Roma Futurism – Interview with Mihaela Drăgan
Mihaela Drăgan is an actress, playwright and singer from Bucharest, Romania. In 2014, she co-founded the independent Roma feminist theatre company Giuvlipen (meaning feminism in the Romani language), alongside Zita Moldovan. In 2015, she played in the movie Aferim!, which won the Silver Bear at Berlin International Film Festival. She is also a trainer at…
A Romanian in Norway
PART 1 Du kan aldri krysse havet før du har motet til å miste synet av kysten – You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. (Christopher Columbus) This would be the Norwegian proverb that best describes my experience, as a Romanian in a foreign culture,…