Tag: society
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Fairy Tales in Our Cynical Modern World
Why Fairy Tales? How They Can Help Us Find Ourselves When we think of fairy tales, we imagine stories for children – perhaps ones told to us by our parents or teachers, or those old Disney movies we watched. In our current world, so filled with concerns about productivity and self-improvement, we rarely take time…
Image by Freepik
Gender 101
Did you ever think: Why in English does words such as sex and gender exist? Did you ever think about the difference? If not, but you are curious about it, this article is for you. I will explain why sex and gender have an important distinction and why is it not simple to call someone…
Illustration: Freepik
This Is a Man’s World… Still!
During the debate about Feminism organized by Unikum on the 7th of March this year, it was interesting to notice how the subject of Patriarchy developed, and it became clear that this topic, just like Feminism, is a fracturing one. The event had the name “Feminism, do we still need it in 2023?”, which to…
Illustration: Freepik
Will you turn into a Nazi?
In school, I used to think that Pakistanis were either an exceptionally evil or else an exceptionally stupid people. To my juvenile mind, it seemed that all of them were high on religion, obsessed with India, believed in fake history and the most bizarre conspiracy theories and were full of hatred towards other religions and…
Illustration: Freepik
Racism in Kristiansand
As we know, the killing of George Floyd, a black man, by the police in Minneapolis in 2020 highlighted the still existence of racism in America and worldwide. After the case, the Human Rights Council held an urgent debate in June 2020 on “current racially inspired human rights violations, systemic racism, police brutality and violence…
Do politicians even care?
Trust is a two-way street only one party has established – and it is not the political one – it is us. Certainly, politicians care (about power, influence, and reputation (and money)). Just because we give away our trust to politicians, it does not mean that they owe us their trustworthiness. We want, and need,…