Tag: spring
In Winter´s Grasp – Dikt
In winter’s grasp, a maiden fair, Trapped in snowflakes’ icy stare. Her dreams of spring, a distant call Another cycle of pain, she can’t let go. Each step toward warmth, a fleeting chance, Winter’s dance, a cruel advance. She battles winds that howl and moan, Longing for a song to call her own. …
Unikum Prøver: UiA-løpet
Enda et år, enda et UiA-Løp. For dem som ikke vet, dette er et veldedighetsløp, og i år gikk pengene til TV-aksjonen som i år støttet Redd Barna. Dette ble signalisert som en rimelig stor happening ved campus og selvsagt måtte Unikum innom og prøve dette konseptet, nei, ikke konseptet av jogging, men UiA-Løpet. Jeg…
Ny utgave: Tuition fees, Resident Evil & Bør Vi Henrette Roald Dahl?
#LEDER: Where we belong Most of you probably know little to nothing about the intricate clockwork that is Unikum, you simply see what is before you, the face of the clock, our edition, after all, it is what is most important. But this edition marks the final edition of our current graphical designer, Mariana, who…
Soda bottle tulips
The smell of fresh coffee tickles my nose as I sit across of a much younger me. I smile at her, watching her eat the orange slices I cut up for her. She looks curiously at the slice in her hand, watching how the juice is trickling down her small fingers. She lifts her head…
Everything is Allowed
Fluttering in the mild, spring wind there is a trace of something. What it is eludes its victims, no word has yet to be invented for its ambience, yet they feel its invigorating effect beckon them. It’s like a warm embrace, encasing one in the enticing promise of safety, never threatening to ease its grasp…