Tag: video games
Unikum’s Corner of Hidden Treasures: Video Game Music
Unikum’s Corner of Hidden Treasures is a column in which Unikum recommends pieces of media they believe more people should know and love. For this Unikum’s Corner of Hidden Treasures I’m casting a wider net, not just putting a single media in the spotlight but an entire genre! Funny enough, music and soundtrack in video…
Photo: Capcom
Game Review: Resident 4 Evil Remake
The year is 2010. I was (maybe still am) what the professionals would call a “pussy” when it comes to horror. I had night terrors, saw shadows lurking in the dark, and struggled to sleep most nights. The very last thing on my mind would be to play a horror game. Yet, a friend at…
Frost, ild, lyn, mørk magi & gift – Vill boogiefaktor i Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands
En anmeldelse av Lars Lægreid Krogstad Plattformer: Playstation 4, Playstation 5 PC [Epic Games] Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Det er helg. Brødrene Krogstad sitter godt plantet i sofaen med hver sin spake i hånda. Wonderlands har stått på nedlastning over natta, og det er endelig tid for å innta masse mengder med magisk…