This year’s last edition of Unikum is out now. You can get it around campus and on selected locations.

Latest Unikum edition can be downloaded here!

– A word from our editor in chief –

Autumn is here and the colors, the rain, the grey sky can all make one shift focus inwards. The tension between the brain and the heart is not new, it is something we all feel and the scars are visible all over our emotional highways. It is this tension that encourages our growth as individuals: the continuous battle for power between rationality and sensibility in a quest for balance that is always in sight, but never really achievable.

Unikum is also shifting focus and in this edition we look at the complex depths of the human heart, its intricate and mysterious chambers that are such a challenge for so many of us.

What does it take to “click” with the Other? Why that specific Other and not someone else? Do we love someone for his or her singularity or as a selfish projection of our personal needs? Or maybe the whole couple equation works according to chemical laws?

In this edition Alexander Kemp tries to map the dynamics of his emotional mechanisms while hoping we do not forget to do the same from time to time. Birgitte writes about living under the God of small things, about daily doses of happiness, the philosophy of dualities and the benefits of sharing love, light and warmth with each other. Ophelie is giving us a little insight into the magical world of a ballet-dancer while Asle is bringing us back to earth with a discussion around the low-attendance rates of Norwegian philosophy students in the wonderful island of Lesbos. The anatomy of man´s psyche by Ole Håvard Seland is sharing space with Erik´s article about gender distribution. All this and much more you can read about in this edition.

We, at Unikum, wish you all the best with youre exams and school-related projects and encourage you to open your heart and your mind to the world around you and within you.

Be brave, love, inspire and get inspired, fall, get bruised, rise and share youre experiences!

You are only as alone as you choose to be!

Download the latest edition of Unikum!

Tekst: Erika Erdös / Helen

Foto: Facsimile of Unikum November 2014 –


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