Benjamin Hornberger, Veteran, 22, Pennsylvania
– What is the main reason you voted for Trump?
Cause there is a connection. He is a man that knows what it’s like to work in life and not rely on anybody else or their approval to do the right thing.
– Do you have an example of what Trump has done or said he will do that will affect you and your life?
He passed an executive order where I will not have to pay a civil penalty for not having health care. Being as young as I am, health care is nice to have, but it is not a necessary thing.
– What more do you expect from president Trump?
I expect him to do what he said he was going to do. He has proven repeatedly that he is a man of his word.
– Describe the average Trump supporter. Do you belong in that stereotype?
There is no “stereotype” or an “average” Trump supporter. President Trump received support from all walks of life, hence why he won the election.
– What is the biggest challenge America faces today the way you see it. Will Trump be the solution to this problem?
There is not one major challenge. America faces multiple challenges, and I believe President Trump will do the best he can with what resources he has available.
– The media portraits president Trump as a man with a pretty straightforward rhetoric. Do you think it is appropriate for a president to use that kind of language?
Absolutely. I prefer the straightforward message. We need strong world leaders, not cowards. Is it offensive and aggressive sometimes? Sure it is. But, honesty it is what everybody asks for. People should just be happy that he is keeping his promises. That was one of the biggest things with his supporters. They all want him to keep his promises. He’s done a fabulous job of that so far.
Kevin Winn, Waiter/Former student, 24, Hawaii
– What is the main reason you voted for Trump?
There are a few reasons that I support President Trump. One reason is that he is not a career politician; he is accustomed to getting things done in a more effective and efficient way. I have noticed that wealthy people tend to dislike the government and are aware of the inefficiencies in how it operates. I think that this outlook will be beneficial for The States, particularly in a financial and economic sense.
– Do you have an example of what Trump has done or said he will do that will affect you and your life?
I think the thing he has done that will affect me the most is to simply shake up Capitol Hill. I think that a breath of fresh air is necessary. I think that having the same people who only know how to do one thing running our country is dangerous and not in he best interest of the American people.
– Describe the average Trump supporter. Do you belong in that stereotype?
The average Trump supporter stereotype is the extreme right-wing racist Christian conservative who has lost his mind. The media in America has a noticeable left spin. The average Trump supporter, I think, is someone who has values such as work ethic, personal accountability, believes that nothing is free and that you eat what you kill and who realizes that government cannot take care of everyone’s every need.
– How are you perceived as a Trump supporter who is also a student?
As a Trump supporter as well as a student, I tend to be perceived by many of my liberal peers (many of whom I continue to be good friends with) as having no social values. When In fact I subscribe to many liberal social views, it’s the liberal political, financial/economic (particularly those) and policy views that I don’t agree with.
– What is the biggest challenge America faces today the way you see it. Will Trump be the solution to this problem?
I think the biggest issue is that we have continued to operate the same way economically and politically for decades. We continue to allow people who create a problem attempt to fix it. I think that changing way we as a country do things is the key to success. Will President Trump change that? That remains to be seen.
– The media portraits president Trump as a man with a pretty straightforward rhetoric. Do you think it is appropriate for a president to use that kind of language?
I think that his lack of political correctness is a good change. On the other hand I think that some of the things he has said are unnecessarily offensive, and that someone in his position should have a better control of his tongue. Some of the things he said 10 and 20 years ago when he had no intention of running for president shouldn’t necessarily be held against him now. But I think that his unapologetic way of speaking is a good thing in general. I believe that a person should say what they mean and mean what they say.
Alfonse Kolis, Student, 23, Michigan
– What is the main reason you voted for Trump?
Because I was tired of seeing political insiders who have experience in politics but lack experience in the real world. I felt that Donald trump would make decisions that would benefit all citizens of the United States, not just the wealthy and political insiders.
– Do you have an example of what Trump has done or said he will do that will affect you and your life?
Yes. His plan for small business tax reform and regulation cutbacks. Being a hopeful small business owner, lowering taxes and reducing regulations will help reduce the burden that small business owners take on during the infancy of their business.
– What more do you expect from president Trump?
I expect more decisions to be made that put Americans back to work. Bring more skilled labor jobs back to the US!
– Describe the average Trump supporter. Do you belong in that stereotype?
The average trump supporter I would say is a hard working, average, middle or low income American who believes that if he or she works hard no matter his or hers sexual orientation, gender, race or religious preference, will be able to be successful in this country.
– What is the biggest challenge America faces today the way you see it. Will Trump be the solution to this problem?
The biggest problem I think is dealing with the divisive world between the left and right side created by the media. It creates conflict within every aspect of everyday life. But this does not represent the majority of Americans. Most hard working Americans just want to be able to make good money, provide for their family and be happy. I would like to see a country where everybody can be happy and successful if they want to be.
– The media portraits president Trump as a man with a pretty straightforward rhetoric. Do you think it is appropriate for a president to use that kind of language?
At times I cringe when I see or hear some of the things Donald Trump says, but then at other times I think it’s refreshing because he says things that the average person would say or think. Most people don’t speak and interact like politicians. I think Trump could improve on how he communicates things and take a couple lessons from Obama. But at the same time, as long as the things he says are for the interest of all American people and are true, then I do not care how crazy they sound.
Tekst: Ine Rossebø Knudsen
Foto: Ine Rossebø Knudsen, Trump campaign og privat
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